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How to solved this problem?
Use the third party on your blog, like news widget, entertainment and other. Find out some specials widget from google, log on your gmail account then pick one or more your favourites widget into your blog.
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If you have special interest on sport world, sporty blog about news updates is the best way to boost your traffics; you should add your blog with video death match, free download about the most favourite stars wallpaper, make some polling form and request wallpaper page for more communicate with your lovely visitors.
If you have another interest like online business, gravity, music, travelling and other, you can create a specific blog like your hobby. Remember this alkatro sentence: ' Fresh look content is the yummy menu for search engine and your lovely visitors', so dont leave your blog for a long time and update your blog as soon as possible.
Do you know that all person on this earth dont have much time for life in cyber world?
How to solved this problem?
Use the third party on your blog, like news widget, entertainment and other. Find out some specials widget from google, log on your gmail account then pick one or more your favourites widget into your blog.
Do you want to know, what is The Alkatro Special Content? Just click 'Entertainment' on Alkatro Main Bar, you can find all free features about Daily Horoscope, 300 CBS Radio Streaming, Auto Detroit, Free Online Games, Sport Latest Video and News. I will be add more then 200 Free Online TV for you next weeks. Go Freedoom Go. Have Fun and Enjoy!
How about Special Contents?
Reviewed by alkatro
nice posting... :D kepp it up.. :D
ReplyDeletenice post sobat, salam sukses selalu
ReplyDeleteartikel bagus..tapi klo dibuat lebih bright akan lebih menarik lho..
ReplyDeleteaku banyak belajar disini...
ReplyDeletemantap pengetahuannya sobat,
ReplyDeletenice blog!!!!
salam kenal dengan kami blogger pemula kunjungi dan selanjutnya kita merencanakan untuk tukar banner atau link... ok anda setuju kami tunggu konfirmasinya....
ReplyDeletesalam sobat,
ReplyDeleteinfo yang harus dipelajari sebagai blogger
terima kasih ya, semoga terus semangat.
boleh kenalan khan sobat biar tambah teman gitu lho !
ReplyDeleteinfo yg keren bro
ReplyDeletekeep posting
great articel....nice blog and smile for you.
ReplyDeleteHola amigos. Saludos desde Argentina.
benar sekali, sebaiknya sebelum membuat blog dipikirkan dulu apa tema blog kita, dan yg baik itu usahakan dalam membuat postingan kita jangan lepas dari tema blog kita. hehehee, mantap bro postingannya sebagai pengetahuan kita bersama.
ReplyDeletedatang berkunjung nich...selamat malam sahabat
ReplyDeletehello my friends thank you
ReplyDelete@all my lovely commentators: thank you very much 4 your support. wish u a great weeks :)
ReplyDeleteharus dipelajari ni..biar pinter.
ReplyDelete@student loan zone: saya juga lagi belajar sobat.. terimakasih :)
ReplyDeleteTia cuman paham sepotong2 kak :( kalo ada versi Indonesia nya dunk...
ReplyDeleteGaris besarnya adalah blog kita harus unik yah kak??? uhm... Blog Tia termasuk unik nga yah kak ??
ReplyDeletesamma he he.. bener banget; Blog Tya unik bangetlah .. silahkan baca disini
versi Indonesianya terimakasih :)
Hhe... Agree with U bro....sometimes penting tuh widget N teman2'y.......Thnx 4 share....
ReplyDeleteWach terima kasih ilmunya mas dan akan segera dipraktekan untuk tingkatkan traffic dan selalu update postingan,slm ...:D