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Shoutmix VS Visitors

Shoutmix is the famous free services for all webmasters to get simple guestbook for communicate with visitors on their sites or blog. We need for a few minute to complete this session, Register, get codes, and place to your sidebar widget, and start connect to all people on the world.
Do you know that 45% Asian people use their phones for browsing, chating, download and more activity?
Sometimes, shoutbox on your template had small bug when you surfing and sign to shoutmix with Mini Opera, how to solve this problems? Place your text suggestion on your shoutbox, like this 'Not compatible with some browser, use another mobile browser, please' or Edit your site with new template, if your problem unsolved, contact shoutmix.com or visit the webmaster consultant for the best solution.
For services in Bahasa Indonesia, alkatro terusin, kenapa shoutmix bermasalah dengan Mini Opera?
Begini masalahnya, sekalipun shoutmix menyediakan fasilitas guestbook gratis, di sisi lain shoutmix melakukan deteksi pada ip address pada sql dan kata orang, mini opera (original) mempunyai range ip statis dalam artian, semua handpone dengan berbagai merk dan simcard seringkali menjadi follower dari opmin, nah bisa dibayangkan berapa juta ip address yg terkloning oleh opmin, sebentar alkatro mau mikir dulu.. terkloning bhs EYD nya apa ya?
Singkatnya, identitas browser seringkali sama, sehingga kadang bermasalah waktu mau shout karena dianggap spamming, kalau di padepokan adsense istilahnya fraud atau dibanned.
Tidak hanya mobile browser, blogwalking diatas ratusan kali per hari, konon juga akan di banned shoutmix, tapi bukan pada ip address anda melainkan alamat urlnya, malah lebih serem to? Ga percaya? Silahkan dicoba saja, bila sakit berlanjut hubungi dokter.. :)
Thank 4 Your Time
Shoutmix VS Visitors Reviewed by alkatro on 07:04 Rating: 5


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